After finding out that a few of our college friends were planning on going to Purdue's Homecoming game, we decided that we would attend too. I called my mom and we decided to make an extended visit out of it. We flew up to Indy on Wednesday Oct 13th. I really pray for the day that there will be a direct flight from Wichita to Indianapolis because we always have to go through another airport - usually O'Hare because it makes the most sense. We were delayed for a couple hours out of O'Hare which was a struggle with an 11-month-old, but we found an empty gate for him to crawl around in. We arrived in Indy around 6pm or so then drove to my parents house in a rental car. We rented a carseat along with the car so we wouldn't have to bring ours. It was a decent seat but as always it was a struggle to get it into the car right. At this point, Jason had had it with traveling and it was throwing quite the fit. Nothing like a little extra stress! I just had Dan sit in the back seat with Jason to help calm him down and he was asleep pretty soon after. We got to my parent's house by nearly 8pm and they thankfully held dinner for us. We were all pretty tired and hungry. When we planned this trip my parents thought it would be nice to make a family gathering out of it and we planned on getting together with my dad's folks since they hadn't met Jason yet. My mom's parents decided that they were feeling pretty good and wanted to go up to Indiana/Ohio to visit family and since we were in town they coordinated it to be there when we were. My brother also thought that would be a good time to visit so he was there as well. It was great to see everyone! Jason found Shadow's toys immediately.
After lunch and more visiting with family on Friday, we drove up to Lafayette. We stayed at a hotel in town Friday night so we could get to campus as early as possible on Saturday morning for tailgating. We were able to make it by just after 9am which was pretty good for us! They had some awesome food and games and it was nice seeing everyone and introducing them to Jason. It was pretty cold first thing in the morning (like 40 degrees) but by the time 11am rolled around and the game started it was about 70 degrees and sunny. Jason took a little nap before the game which allowed us to eat lunch and he stayed asleep through most of the game with a few times of cruising on the bleachers behind us. He was very good during the game and Purdue won which made it all the better!

After the game we drove down to Mike and Tammy's house in Brownsburg, IN. They were having an after-game party and we stayed the night with them so we could put the baby to bed and hang out as long as possible. Jason was a bit fussy after putting him to bed but Dan went up with him so I could hang out a bit longer (yay!).
After breakfast on Sunday we drove back to my parent's house and spent the rest of the day with them and my brother. We were all in our Colts outfits and watched football, hung out and Jimmy and I went through some of our old stuff in my parents storage "garage". Unfortunatly, some of the stuff was destroyed by mice but the important stuff was in plastic containers so those survived and some of the stuff washed up ok. The Colts were the primetime game and they won so a good time was had by all! We left on Monday afternoon and our plane rides back were uneventful. I'm so glad Jason is a good traveler and the trip was a really good one!