Jason's new favorite toy - Pampers box with a rope tied to it....it's the simple things...

[try as I might, I can't get rid of this stupid space...Blogger drives me nuts sometimes]

Here's Mr. Goofypants with a roll of duct tape on one ankle and a roll of masking tape on the other....he's just walking around like that. He does the same things with his stacking rings.

Jason hasn't changed a whole lot in the past month. He still loves walking around the neighborhood and saying hi to the doggies. He's got a mouthful of teeth and I think he's finally getting his canines in so he's been a bit fussy. I'm starting to wean him and I've stopped pumping so I'm only nursing him first thing in the morning and at bedtime. We've been giving him cow's milk at dinner and he seems to be tolarating it ok. We've tried whole milk but he had some diarrhea from that so we're doing half whole/half 1% and that seems to help. Maybe the whole milk was too fatty. We'll ask the pedi next week. Jason's starting to show some signs of the terrible twos. If he doesn't get what he wants he won't hesitate to throw himself on the ground screaming. So far I've been handling it by walking away at home and putting him in the shopping cart/stroller in stores. I try to give him some freedom to walk around the stores because he likes to walk around but when he starts taking off and not listening to me I have to restrain him. Ah, life with a toddler. Overall, he's a pretty good kid though.
Here he is reading his latest "Grandma Book" (my mom has made a couple of those Hallmark recordable books and he just loves them)
Here he is reading his latest "Grandma Book" (my mom has made a couple of those Hallmark recordable books and he just loves them)
Since he's getting to be such a big boy we've graduated him to a booster seat. He's a bit too relaxed here waiting to dye eggs
We had a lot of fun with our friends, the Chastains, at Easter. They are like our second family and have invited us for family dinners on Thanksgiving and Easter since our families live so far away. Jason got to take part in the Easter egg hunt. Their 11-year-old son, Eric, helped Jason find eggs and put them in his basket. It was really cute and I was totally kicking myself for forgetting my camera. I decided to do another Easter egg hunt when we got home but Jason hit his head on our birdbath and that sucked all the fun out of it. So much for that video *sigh*
We did get some cute pictures of us all in our Easter finery though: