Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Nursery is Blue!

It's an exciting weekend! Yesterday, we painted the nursery blue. For those of you who don't believe ultrasounds and are thinking "uh oh, what if they have a girl?"...we were going to paint the nusery blue anyway. We picked out our bedding from Babies R Us a couple weeks ago and it looks like this:

I like gender neutral patterns and this (Country Side) is really cute. Stay tuned for other things we'll be doing in there, but here's the nursery all blue and stuff (plus Dan and a very overgrown Bonnie)

Oh and one more thing. Tomorrow I'll have a report from Baby's first Rock Concert. We'll be going to see David Cook tonight and those of you who know how much I love this guy will know how freaking excited I am right now. If there is any doubt, this is what I'm wearing:

I hope he notices me....maybe I should bring a sharpie so he can sign the belly if he's so inclined :-)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nursery Progress

I've been doing lots of posting this week. Aren't you proud of me? Today, I painted the basecoat. Ugh, did that ever suck! Kilz is very aptly named...that stuff about killed me. I had an elaborate network of fans set up so that the room would be well ventilated but it was around 90 degrees outside today so it was still very hot in there. Even with a small wind tunnel around me the fumes would start to make me light-headed so I would leave the room for a few minutes and take a breather. I used to like to paint but this was not fun at all. Kilz is a bit annoying anyway because it's so thick but to cover up the seams and other weird markings on the wall, I thought it would be a good basecoat. I kind of forgot how much the basecoat paint soaks into the wall...

So between my frequent breaks and the scope of the job, it took all day, but it's done now and looks pretty good. We plan on removing the doors to the closet and the door to the room to paint those so I'll wait until they are gone before I paint that trim, which is why it's not painted. Oh well, it's a labor of love and I can't wait for the room to start to take shape. It should be really cute when it's done. Ok, here are the progress pics:

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

Yes the verdict is in and it's indisputable! I am cooking a boy! I'm so happy :-)

He looks to be healthy from what I could tell from the ultrasound and hopefully I'll hear the official word soon. Here are some pictures:

and to round it out (quite literally) Here's the view from the outside:

Monday, June 1, 2009

18 weeks!

I had my OB appointment today. Everything's looking good and I scheduled my Big ultrasound. So look for the Big update on Friday! My appointment is at 8am so Dan can come with me before work and hopefully I'll get those baby pics scanned and put on the blog along with the gender results when I get home. Then I'll take a nap because 8am is REALLY early. I'm so excited to get to see my baby again, it's been a long time! I figure I'll do another belly pic later this week and do a "Baby from the inside and outside" thingy on Friday. I think I'm starting to feel the baby move, but it's still pretty hard to distinguish from gas. Although on Saturday we were at an Italian restaurant sitting next to the wine rack and as I was staring longingly at the wine I'm pretty sure my baby kicked me. Like "hey mom, remember me? You can't have that stuff!" I thought it was pretty cute :)

I had another productive weekend in the nursery. I got the mudding all sanded down and the walls are ready for the basecoat. We've got some cute ideas kicking around so when those start to take shape they will be put in here. I can't belive we're finally getting to that point where we'll be registering and stuff...I hope Dan's doing some research on baby stuff, but I'm trying to figure things out. There's a lot out there and it's hard to wrap my mind around all of it!

I'm also getting my braces off on Thursday! Big week!!