Monday, December 21, 2009

Something to smile about!

Its been a fun week here because Jason just started smiling! He isn't doing it very regularly but he seems to be extra smiley when he's taking his morning poo so I caught him on video in the act of being super cute and smiley:

We went to our first Christmas party on Saturday. More and more of our friends have kids now so even though Jason was the youngest he was certainatly not the only baby. He was very good and of course everyone loved him.

We also got to go see Santa on Sunday. We got there just in time too because they were closing the line so Santa could go on break. We only had to wait about 20 minutes or so. My favorite part was the automatic hand sanitizer dispensers they had right before going to Santa. Kids can't resist playing with those things so hopefully they were good and germ-free by the time they got to Santa. Jason looks so cute on Santa's lap!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One month appt and Christmas pictures

Jason had his one month doctor's appointment today. Here are his stats:
Weight: 9lbs 9oz
Height: 21.5 in
Head circumfernce: 14.5 in
So yes, he is getting bigger! Dr. Rees confirmed that we have a perfectly healthy little boy. Praise God!

This weekend we took some Christmas pictures for the purpose of our Christmas letter and the blog and all that stuff. Jason was in a great mood all day so we figured it would be a good time. Of course once we get him in his Christmas outfit his good mood was out the window. Also I had all these ideas in mind for cute shots but we don't have the camera equipment used in the pictures I've seen so most of our pictures didn't turn out. Here are the good ones:

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's been a month!

I hope everyone had good Thanksgiving. We spent the day with our friends Shawn and Debbie Chastain and their family. It's so great that they invite us into their home every year since our families go elsewhere for Thanksgiving and we can't really travel right now. The food was awesome and so was the company. I brought my camera but like always, I didn't use it so I don't have any pics. I do however have plenty of other pics so don't worry ;-) According to tradition, we decorated for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Jason slept most of the time so I guess that was his way of helping since it's awful difficult decorating with one hand. On that Sunday, Jason got the honor of playing Baby Jesus in our church's live nativity. I forgot my camera that night but we did get pics at the rehearsal. On the night he was wide awake and I was glad I brought his pacifier so "Joseph" could keep Jason quiet (I'm all about historical accuracy). He did good though and stole the "show" with his cuteness.

Jason turned one month old on Wednesday. It's hard to believe it's been that long. Jason has his one month well-baby visit with the doc. I can't wait to see how much he's grown. We started giving Jason a bottle of expressed breastmilk every night to give Dan that bonding experience and get Jason used to it before I return to work. He took it really well so that was a relief. I've been pumping about 3 times a day now to build up a freezer stash. I really hope to not have to supplement with formula when I go back to work. ok, here are a bunch of pics and videos.

Catalina cuddling with her brother:

Dan giving a bottle:

Jason trying to nurse on Dan's nose:

I took a bunch of videos last night with our camera but forgot that I can't hold the camera sideways or else the video is sideways. If you can stand the neck strain the videos are pretty cute.