Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One month appt and Christmas pictures

Jason had his one month doctor's appointment today. Here are his stats:
Weight: 9lbs 9oz
Height: 21.5 in
Head circumfernce: 14.5 in
So yes, he is getting bigger! Dr. Rees confirmed that we have a perfectly healthy little boy. Praise God!

This weekend we took some Christmas pictures for the purpose of our Christmas letter and the blog and all that stuff. Jason was in a great mood all day so we figured it would be a good time. Of course once we get him in his Christmas outfit his good mood was out the window. Also I had all these ideas in mind for cute shots but we don't have the camera equipment used in the pictures I've seen so most of our pictures didn't turn out. Here are the good ones:


  1. He is such a beautiful baby Kathy and motherhood really suits you!!!

  2. very adorable. i stuffed amara into a stocking. she was not thrilled seeing as she had had heart surgery only a few weeks before.
