I may have to split them in groups and cycle them around, but that sounds like a lot of work right now so I'm putting it off and piling it up in the toybox.
Cute puppy back pack...baby leash...who's keeping track?!
Dan's parents came on Monday evening and left on Wednesday morning. We had a nice visit with them. Jason got more gifts and Dan and I got our butts kicked in Raquetball by Dan's dad. I'm glad we did it though, I need to be more active and it was a lot of fun even though I'm terrified of the ball and have been known to shreik. We also tried (like last year) to get some interesting low light Christmas pictures with varying success.
This picture cracks me up: Dan was trying to get Jason to smile but Jason decided it would be more fun to play with the camera. Let's consider this "Jason's first picture"
Jason loves being outside even when it's cold. We just bundle him up really good and he's happy as can be!
It looks like he had a great 2nd Christmas!