First, an overview of how it's done:
1. Tape together the two peices the mural comes in:
1. Tape together the two peices the mural comes in:
2. Tape carbon paper to the back - of course, there was only enough for one side at a time...we wouldn't want this to be over quickly now, would we?
3. Decide where you want the tree to go and tape it to the wall (this is where I thought I wanted the tree to go - see how I lined the bottom of the tree up with the floor - it seemed like a good idea at the time...)
4. Trace the tree pattern with a ball-point pen so the design copies onto the wall
While the paint dried I finished putting the grass up and touching up the baseboard paint - so the afternoon wasn't a total loss. I'll put pics up of all that fun at the end (that project actually went really well). Anyway, the tree - take 2! This time we put the mural up at the TOP of the wall - you may notice that small piece of tape indicating where the crib will be to make sure I didn't screw it up again :P
I made sure to keep the original bottom of the tree unerased so I could just match up the trunks - you know to avoid the "tree floating in mid-air" look. So I did all that other crap I did the first time and was able to be all traced and done by the end of Saturday - whew!On Sunday I painted in the trunk of the tree and branches with a lovely chocolate brown:
that is adorable. where did you get all this stuff?