Friday, August 28, 2009

My Second shower

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been a bad blogger! Things have been busy around here sorting through stuff and working on the great closet switch. We haven't made much progress in the nursery but this weekend we will hopefully be moving Dan's stuff and other random crap out of the closet so we can reorganize it for the baby. Since I still haven't discussed it, here's my review of my shower from August 15th!

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law came down and threw me a shower here in Wichita and it was AMAZING! They did a rubber ducky theme which was perfect for us since our sunday school class mascot is a rubber duck (it's a long story) and so we are already a big fan of those. Here are some pics of the decorations:
There was great food, great family and friends and it was just perfect! Even though I had like nothing to do with the planning, I still threw my own touches in with a slideshow of my belly and nursery progress as well as putting the DVD of the baby waves session on in the background. We got a lot of great stuff and I have 2 showers worth of thank you notes to get to work on. Here's a cute picture of Bonnie in the car seat/stroller frame:
She is going to have such an adjustment to make when the baby comes - she is so our baby right now!

Hopefully, I'll have some new nursery progress pictures after this weekend. For now I will leave you with my 30 week Belly pic!

Friday, August 14, 2009

3D ultrasound today!

I had my 3D ultrasound today and it was pretty good! The little stinker was a bit stubborn with putting his face against my uterus so it was difficult to get some good shots. By the way the u/s tech was talking, I guess the scans usually turn out better but we did get to see our baby and I think he's going to be really cute (not that I'm biased or anything). They estimated his weight at just over 3lbs. He's got a lot of growing to do but he's doing pretty good so far!

8/2: Baby Shower/BBQ

On Sunday, August 2nd, my parents threw a BBQ and baby shower for me. They had a ton of good food and a bunch of people there. My grandpa and Carol as well as my Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Maryann and their daughter Lilly came, then there was a whole bunch of my parents friends, most of which I've met before. It was a good time, I could tell my parents enjoyed themselves and it was nice to see some of my family and chat with the nice people my parents are friends with. I got some really cute clothes and thing and people were good at knowing we had to bring gifts home on the plane with us and we were able to fit everything into our suitcases so it was all good. My mom has the pictures so as soon as I get them I will add them to this entry.

Finally got pictures!!
I was pretty worn out by the end of the day but I got a bunch of cute things!

8/1 - Picnic with my high school friends

I've been really busy lately so I'm going to have to make up for lost posts now! On August 1st I had a reunion with some of my high school friends and their families. It was good seeing people again. This year was our 10 year reunion but I couldn't make it for the actual one and neither could a couple of them so we decided to just have our own. I would bet it was more fun than the actual one...especially since I can't drink and that seemed to be the thing to do there (based on people's pictures on Facebook anyway)!

so here we are, Mary Beth (who is about 3 weeks further along than me), Heather, me, and Rebekah:

the dueling bellies: I was carrying kind of high that weekend and Mary Beth is carrying pretty low. We're both having boys though so so much for the old wives tale about being able to tell what you're having based on how you're carrying!
We had a good time playing lawn games and generally catching up.

Mary Beth snapped a cute picture of me and Dan before we left:

I got pretty sunburned but it was my own fault for not wearing sunscreen and avoiding the sun all summer. Hopefully we can all get together again in a year or so with our new babies!