Friday, August 14, 2009

8/1 - Picnic with my high school friends

I've been really busy lately so I'm going to have to make up for lost posts now! On August 1st I had a reunion with some of my high school friends and their families. It was good seeing people again. This year was our 10 year reunion but I couldn't make it for the actual one and neither could a couple of them so we decided to just have our own. I would bet it was more fun than the actual one...especially since I can't drink and that seemed to be the thing to do there (based on people's pictures on Facebook anyway)!

so here we are, Mary Beth (who is about 3 weeks further along than me), Heather, me, and Rebekah:

the dueling bellies: I was carrying kind of high that weekend and Mary Beth is carrying pretty low. We're both having boys though so so much for the old wives tale about being able to tell what you're having based on how you're carrying!
We had a good time playing lawn games and generally catching up.

Mary Beth snapped a cute picture of me and Dan before we left:

I got pretty sunburned but it was my own fault for not wearing sunscreen and avoiding the sun all summer. Hopefully we can all get together again in a year or so with our new babies!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day!! I agree, we should do this again next year... maybe early August. Can't wait to meet little Jason!
