We had our hospital tour on Oct 3rd. It looks like it will be a good place to have a baby. The lady who gave the tour was like 100 years old and a former childbirth education instructor so there was some odd "here's something in the room you can focus on" suggestions. When I asked if they had WiFi the conversation went like this:
Me: Do you guys have WiFi
Old lady: What?
Me: Wireless internet?
OL: hmm....I think there might be somewhere to plug that in around here....I don't really know...
Me: great
A few minutes later Dan found a WiFi box in the hallway so hopefully I can get online and chat with people and update the board as I'm going through the labor process. Obviously, I have no idea how it's all going to go down so who knows what kind of time I'll have.
On Monday (Oct 5th) I had my 36 week appt. I was already 2 cm dialated! It's hard to believe I'm already making progress towards having this baby. I think I started to lose my mucous plug later in the week too - yet another step closer. This kind of made me freak out and I set up my nursery with temporary furniture (PNP where crib goes and plastic three drawer thing where dresser goes). We did get our glider and ottomen and I picked up a side table at Target so they are there and Catalina-tested.

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