This week, Jason got to visit with his Grandma and Grandpa Bender. Grandma came into town on Tuesday and Grandpa came on Thursday and they both left on Monday. Grandma likes to keep busy and be "as useful as possible" so she offered to deep clean my house. I'm no fool so of course I accepted. The house looks great and she also cooked dinners for us...I guess we'll let her come back ;-). Dan and his dad worked on putting lights on the front of our house as well as rigging a motion sensor for the lights in the garage since our garage door opener lights have never worked. Now there is actually light when we drive home - Yay! Jason had a good time with his grandparents and they got some cute videos of him, which I shared earlier in the week. We also went to Applebees on Tuesday and Chili's on Sunday and Jason slept like an angel both times. He's such a good baby! He really is a good baby though, I know how lucky I am that he sleeps well, eats well and is rarely fussy. I hope this keeps up! Now for more pictures:
Grandpa kept him busy with plenty of tummy time, cuddling and playing
Grandma also got lots of good quality time in with him:

Since we're not spending Thanksgiving with them, we had a small thanksgiving meal and I figured we'd get as much use as possible out of Jason's bib....but I didn't want wake him up to put it on properly ;-)

We also took some family photos...note my new haircut (too bad Jason had a weird look on his face....we may have to try this again sometime soon)

Here are the "Bender Boys" in their pumpkin shirts - see, I knew I'd get use out of that Halloween onsie even though Jason was born in November! We caught Jason mid-yawn and it just cracks me up.

And here are those videos I posted earlier:
aw he is so adorable. im so glad that you shared those with all of us. makes me wish i lived closer so we could come and visit.