My parents came and visited from Nov 5th until Nov 10th. They came the evening we were attempting to suppliment Jason with formula so he was pretty fussy. I'm wondering if they felt like turning around and leaving...but they've been there and know what it's like. Fortunately, it wasn't long until Jason was a happier baby and my parents were good support. My mom cooked great food and helped to get me to transition Jason to sleeping in his bassinet instead of always in my arms. They got some good pictures that I was able to move to my computer before they left.

While they were here I gave Jason a bath...I can't believe we didn't get pictures from his first at home bath but this is his second! Doesn't he look happy? :-P

We also took him on his first walk. He probably cried about 1/3 of the time but it was nice to get out. It was a beautiful day.

Lots of people have asked us how Bonnie is handling the transition. Although she's been having a hard time with the decrease in attention and the demotion from "baby" to "dog", she's been a good "big sister" and a pretty good baby monitor. Whenever Jason cries, she is right there at his side. It was a bit frustrating at first because when Jason would cry, so would Bonnie so it was really noisy. She doesn't do that anymore, she just kind of stares. We still love our doggie.

Today, Jason got a visit from his Aunt Abby and (future) Uncle Terry. It was a nice little visit.
Abby is our closest relative - only 3 hour away in Kansas City so hopefully we'll see a lot of her.

This is a cute picture, despite one of my signature weird angles:
aw great pics. its been forever sense ive seen your parents. you look good woman. and you have a cute kid. love you bunches and bunches.