Sorry, I've been a bad blogger once again!
I totally meant to update the blog on Jason's 2 month appt stats but I they are:
Weight: 11lbs 12oz
Height: 25.75in
He also got his first shots. He was in a pretty good mood the whole appointment, even smiling a few times...then he got his shots. I had given him a low dose of tylenol before his appointment in the hopes of dulling the pain but he still screamed at the top of his lungs. I don't know if any mom can hear their baby scream like that and not cry...I know I cried! I held him and did what I could think of to soothe him and the thing that came to mind first was nursing him so when the nurses left, I sat down and nursed him and finally was able to calm him down. Then the nurse popped her head in and was like "you can feel free to nurse him and take your time"...yeah, I was planning on it! He was a bit drowsy and cranky the rest of the day and I gave him another dose of tylenol later on that night for pain and he seemed to have a low fever. Overall, we're no worse for wear and he's protected against a whole bunch of stuff, so go immunizations!

We also made our first long car trip - 3 hours to KC and back in the fog. Dan's sister, Abby, was going wedding dress shopping on the weekend of 1/16 and it was going to be quite an opportunity for family to get together. Of course, her mom came down but also her grandmother, aunt and her sisters-in-law. This meant that Jason could meet his Great-Grandma Coffman, his Great-Aunt Gail, his Aunt Sarah (and Uncle Matt), and get to see his Aunt Abby again. It was quite a house-full! It was a nice visit, Abby picked out a beautiful dress and Jason was well behaved (of course) and hopefully didn't steal too much attention from his aunt ;-)

On 1/18 I returned to work :-( I have been freezing my breastmilk for the past month and a half so I had a pretty good stash that Dan could defrost to feed to Jason while I was gone and I had the lovely task of pumping at work. Fortunately, my first day was busy enough so time went fast but slow enough that I could pump a couple times without trouble. Dan did pretty good with Jason despite some fussy times. Once he gets a hang of feeding him things will go smoother - although I think Jason will suffer from boob-withdrawl regardless. It's kind of nice to be back at work part time. I get to spend lots of time with my baby but I can get away a couple times a week and every other weekend and be Kathy again instead of "Jason's mom". I was also happy to discover that I hadn't lost too much of my speed and skill over the 11 weeks I was away. It makes me appreciate the time I spend with Dan and Jason more too.
aw the pics are precious. glad he is doing so well. miss you guys