Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chasin' Jason

Sorry for taking so long to update! My mastitis cleared up in a couple days so that was a relief. I have a lot of updates and stories so here we go. On August 28th weekend we went up to KC to visit Abby and Terry. They also watched Jason on Saturday night so Dan and I could go out to dinner for our 6th anniversary. It was nice to dress up and have a grown up meal out. We had a really nice visit and even had a good swim in the community pool.

On September 4th we took Jason out to have his first haircut! He did so good and is now even cuter than ever.


Lately, Jason has been fighting his morning nap. I imagine he'll be fading that out eventually in favor of a longer nap in the early afternoon. This picture is funny because one Saturday when he was fighting his nap I said "fine, then you can help me sort laundry". He was playing in the pile and then would drop off to sleep....wake up and play....drop off. Too cute
Now that he's quite mobile with the crawling and pulling up and cruising on just about everything I find myself "chasin' Jason" most of the day. He's some pictures of what the little stinker can get into.
"reading" the newspaper - we've since decided it was best to keep our pile of newspaper out of reach
I swear, if you leave this kid alone for too long he'll crawl into the bathroom and unravel the toilet paper - he loves to do that

One day I thought it would be safe to leave him to play in his room while I went to the bathroom. Appearently he can reach the Kleenex box....

On September 20th we got a nice little day-visit from Grandma Bender and Great-Grandma Coffman. We went out to get Jason some new shoes and just generally hung out and played.

Ok, I think we're all caught up now!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

yes, my boobs get a big "boo" this week. I have mastitis in my right one and it sucks big time. I guess I should be glad that I have had 10 months of trouble-free breastfeeding but that's doing little to make me feel better now. I woke up Sunday morning with a rather painful boob which I chalked up to engorgement since Jason didn't really nurse very well from that one the night before. I figured I would nurse him on that one first thing and all would be better - it wasn't. It remained hard and sore and I thought "ok, I have a clogged duct, we're just going to have to work on that". I also had kind of all over body pain; the muscles in my legs hurt so bad during church I had to rub them and I was all antsy. I decided to ask my beloved message board what they thought and they thought mastitis so that kind of bummed me out but I had to admit they sounded right all except for one thing - I didn't have a fever. As the day progressed I felt worse and worse and despite frequent nursing my boob got more and more "angry" and by the time I went to bed that night I had a pretty bad case of the chills. I didn't take my temp but I took some tylenol and eventually was able to get to sleep. By Monday I was no better and was running a fever all morning. By noonish I realized I would not be able to work in this condition. I hate calling in sick to work, especially on a weekend or holiday because I know it's difficult to find someone to replace me. When I called in I was asked if I was going to get some antibiotics or anything. Oddly enough, the thought hadn't occured to me but it sounded like a good idea so I called my doctor. Of course, since it was Labor Day, they were closed and I only had about an hour to get to the immediate care clinic before they closed. I didn't want Jason to go to the clinic so I left him home with Dan and drove my sick self to the clinic. Since it was about to close, there were very few people there and I was able to get right in, get my antibiotic prescription and a lot of sympathy and be on my way. I spent the rest of the day kind of hanging out with Jason, taking naps and trying to do as little as possible. I am now fever-free but my boob is still very "angry". I really hope the antibiotics, warm compresses and frequent nursing do the trick because if this turns into an absess, "boo" will not be a big enough word.