Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good stuff

I took what will be my last urine preg test this morning. I have never gotten a BFP on a digital so I had to do it
ah, that's good stuff! It came up in less than a minute too!
Yesterday I made my first OB appointment. It will be March 9th...less than 2 weeks away! I'm hoping I'll be able to talk him into giving me an ultrasound, but we'll just have to see.
I told my bible study class I was pregnant today and that was awesome. They have been praying really hard for me so I wanted to let them know pretty much as soon as I did. I also told my mom, because, well she's my mom! I will keep praying my butt off for this baby and giving the glory to God because He has made all this possible!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE those tests! Isn't it the best seeing pregnant on the stick. Yay for baby kitty!
