Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mudding the Nursery
Well, tomorrow marks 13 weeks, the official start of the second trimester as far as most people are concerned. I still feel pretty nauseous and tired most of the time so I'm really hoping that will change soon. It was a rainy weekend so it was a good time to make some more progress in the nursery. I scraped the loose paint off where it had come off from the wallpaper seams. Dan got to work fixing the hole behind the door. Today, I mudded the areas where the paint was scrapped off and filled in the many nail and pinholes in the walls. Good thing I have a fair amount of experience in mudding because that's usually my job on mission trips. I had to send Dan out because he doesn't usually mud and I liked the way I was doing it better ;-) I don't have a "belly pic" this week because I still don't think I've changed much from the last time. I'll probably do one next week. I'm sorta profile in one of these pics, so that' just going to have to satisfy your "how big has Kathy gotten so far" needs. Here are some progress pictures: 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nursery Progress
Haha, check out my mad double post in one day skills....yeah not so much but it's only taken me a day, that's good for me! Anyway, while my inlaws were in town this weekend we got a mess of stuff done! I was discussing my plans to tear down the wallpaper in the nursery and my mother-in-law though that it wouldn't be very difficult so she tried and...
Hey, it pealed right off!! This was excellent news :-) So in about an hour we got most of the wallpaper stripped off. I had to quickly remove all the things on the wall because once I get started on a project, I have to finish it, so I have things kind of stacked around, but Catalina was ok with that
She's a silly cat. Of course with all the excitement, Bonnie was all cranked up too so a good time was had by all. Now the walls are bear and we just have to repair a rather large hole created by the previous owners not installing a door stop (yeah, doornob right through the wall, thank you very much), scrape, sand and prime. When we find out the sex we'll nail down how I want to decorate but I'm pretty sure I'm going gender neutral anyway and I have a few bright ideas in store. I plan on flexing my creative muscles to the max in showing all the love I have for this baby. I leave you with the aftermath of the wallpaper teardown:

(yes, I cleaned up the wallpaper since then; it's not still on the floor)
Monday, April 13, 2009
11 week belly pic
Ok, so here I am! I can't believe I'm already 11 weeks! Last week of the first trimester (yes, I'm going by developmentally, because it makes the most sense and it gets me to the second trimester faster). I started wearing my maternity clothes this weekend because I was sick of either having my belly crushed (and nauseating me) or having to try to unbutton the pants and rubberband them together. Maternity pants are SO COMFORTABLE! I think I'll make this a double-post day since I wanted to put the rest of my weekend into a separate post. Anyway, here's the pic:
Monday, April 6, 2009
Second OB appointment
I just got back from my second OB appointment. All my labs from the first one came back normal. I haven't had any cramping or bleeding, my nausea has been pretty normal and I haven't had any other concerns so things are looking good. Today, since I'm 10 weeks along, they tried to get the heartbeat on the doppler. The nurse tried and she didn't have any luck (heard my heartbeat though). When my OB tried he said "you're on the early side of when we can pick this up so if I can't get it, we'll wheel in the sono equipment". Well, just about 5 seconds later he picked up my baby's heartbeat. It was nice and strong and about 170 bpm. Of course this means no more ultrasounds (unless I have a problem) until the BIG one at 18-20 weeks (so, June-ish). I'm a bit bummed that I can't *see* my baby, but hearing it still put a huge smile on my face. I just feel so blessed that everything is going well and I thank God every day for this wonderful blessing.
I do feel bad that you (and I) can't see a pic of the baby so I found this online. My baby would look kind of like this right now:
I just love the way that baby is moving around....I'm going to try not to pout about not seeing mine ;-)
I do feel bad that you (and I) can't see a pic of the baby so I found this online. My baby would look kind of like this right now:
I just love the way that baby is moving around....I'm going to try not to pout about not seeing mine ;-)
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