I just got back from my second OB appointment. All my labs from the first one came back normal. I haven't had any cramping or bleeding, my nausea has been pretty normal and I haven't had any other concerns so things are looking good. Today, since I'm 10 weeks along, they tried to get the heartbeat on the doppler. The nurse tried and she didn't have any luck (heard my heartbeat though). When my OB tried he said "you're on the early side of when we can pick this up so if I can't get it, we'll wheel in the sono equipment". Well, just about 5 seconds later he picked up my baby's heartbeat. It was nice and strong and about 170 bpm. Of course this means no more ultrasounds (unless I have a problem) until the BIG one at 18-20 weeks (so, June-ish). I'm a bit bummed that I can't *see* my baby, but hearing it still put a huge smile on my face. I just feel so blessed that everything is going well and I thank God every day for this wonderful blessing.
I do feel bad that you (and I) can't see a pic of the baby so I found this online. My baby would look kind of like this right now:
I just love the way that baby is moving around....I'm going to try not to pout about not seeing mine ;-)
im glad that things are going so well for you. June will come faster than you think. ;-)